The Cavalier Consortium
The Cavalier Consortium is a continually growing and evolving alliance of Cavalier breeders that are supported by the strength of our respective clients, communities and donors to help Cavalier owners in need.
We connect with our past clients and local community members that have shown a commitment to our mission. Through their donations and generosity, we have been able to establish funds for Cavalier owners in need to help them with unexpected medical bills and expenses. The Consortium awards donations to recipients and their Cavalier based on need so that necessary medical expenses are covered for all recommended treatment(s).
Our mission, through the strength of our expanding alliance and extended network, is to ensure that no Cavalier goes without the medical care that they need because their owner may not be able to afford it at that time. We understand that life happens, and regardless of current household circumstance we want every Cavalier to live a happy and healthy existence.
If you need help or if you would like to make a donation,
Email us at: [email protected]
Every dollar donated will go directly to a Cavalier owner in need.
A concise list of any recipients plus amounts given will always be available to donors.